Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy 2008!

I've been seriously neglecting my site for the past few months. I'll try an be better about updates.

After a few months in New York animating on Horton, I'm now back at Disney Animating on BOLT their latest animated feature coming out Winter 2008. I'm super excited to be back in the halls of the mouse house and working on such an incredible film. I can't wait for everyone to check out all the great work going on here.

In the meantime... keep an eye out for Horton Hears a Who ... coming to theater's in the US in March!! My experience at Bluesky was absolutely amazing. I really learned a lot about animation made some great friends and experienced the Big Apple like I never imagined I would. Thanks to everyone who made my experience there a good one!



David Gilson said...

How lucky you are to work on such a promising movie and a Disney one!
I worked once at Disney in France on Tarzan! ;)
Judging on the first and only pic released on the web, i already loved the cat Mittens!!
Do you know when a first teaser-trailer could be shown on the web please? Can't wait to discover at least your team's work...
Anyway, good luck on Bolt! ;)

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

Thank you David! Yes it's great to be back... and the new film looks amazing. I can't wait to be able to show everyone more. I don't think we'll have a trailer out for a while.... Cheers ;)

Olivier Ladeuix said...

Disney, Rythm and Hues, Blue Sky, Disney. There are only 2 companies left Rebecca ;-)

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

... i've been pretty fortunate in the last couple of years...

Brad said...

Hey Rebbby!
Glad to hear you are back where its warm. Great to hear you are working on Bolt. We should hang out now that you are in LA area again!! Best wishes!

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

Thanks brad!! We should definitely hang! Hope all is great with you.

Matt Kelly said...

wooohoo awesome reb!
it'll be interesting to see how bolt turns out after the big change

-matt kelly