Tuesday, November 21, 2006


What does a Film Editor do? I kinda wondered that myself...Here's a DVD that talks all about it. I never knew just how involved and powerful an editor can be. I highly recommend it for anyone working on a film of thier own.... or those who simply have an interest in filmmaking.

*image courtesy of amazon

Friday, November 03, 2006

More on Storytelling

I came across a great video on David Martinez's blog. Along the same lines of the pixar storytelling post I put up a few weeks ago. Here's an online video that breaksdown the storytelling methods and ingredients which create a great story. The video itself isn't geared toward animation... but nonetheless breaks it down for anyone interested in communicating through story. It's lengthy, (and a bit dry) but I guarentee it's worth watching!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

94 years....

Today I met a disney legend and one of my idols.
Happy 94th Birthday Ollie!