Well.... at least animation is! What a production, full of amazing work and incredible people. Every moment on Bolt has been an adventure...stressful and exhausting at times.... but awesome nonetheless.
So what now you ask?!?! A much needed vacation! I'll be traveling for the next couple of months.... catching up with old friends and exploring Spain and Italy!! (If anyone reading has any recommendations or advise shoot'em my way, I'd love to hear'em.)
I started my long overdue vacation with a brisk walk around the Hollywood Hills with my baby Rocco! Here's a cute picture I managed to snap while we were taking a breather.

I have friends and family who visit the blog so I'll certainly be updating it with a few pictures and details from my adventure. Keep an eye out!
Hey Rebecca congrats! Can't wait to see this movie on theaters. It's gonna be definetly fun to watch. Also I read your are coming to my country (Spain) on your well deserved vacation. It's difficult to give you some recomendation there are so many things to see. Just enjoy and maybe if you are visiting Madrid (my city) don't miss the "Museo del prado" really inspiring for artist.
Hi David! Thanks for the comments! Bolt looks amazing I think it's going to do really well in theaters!
About Spain... I will be in Madrid... next week!! It would be great to meet up. I'll send u an email. I'm also going to Barcelona. I'll be sure to see the Museo in Madrid!
Hey Rebbeca, just in front of the Museo del Prado, you have another museum in my opinion it's worthy to visit Thyssen Bornemisza, also if you like modern art you have not very far from there museum Reina Sofia, I'm sure you can find links to these museum and know some more about them before to visit. In that area also you can walk for "El retiro" a big park inside the city, with a little lake. A good place in my opinion if you want to relax some.
Also I would say that the Plaza Mayor is another place you will like, is in the center of Madrid and you have really close the Preciados street if you want to go shopping. Not very far from there is the Palacio Real.
Also if you want to do something related to animation (probably not) I think you could visit Zinkia the guys who made Pocoyo tv series. They are located in street Infantas, 27. Also the guys who are doing planet 51 are working, not in Madrid, but in a town really close.
Well I will like you would have a better tourism guide but well I just enjoy most of the time just walking by the streets, you will find a lot of place to eat something or have a drink. Also I wouldn't say Madrid is a dangerous city (no more than others) but you know watch your wallet and all that stuff..
If you email me when exactly will you be here in Madrid I really would like to met with you and have a drink or something (I never have the chance to met with any other old AM student and would be great). You can email me to "davidtcc AT gmail DOT com".
Have a wicked vacation Rebecca!
Man, Rocco looks like a good, fun little guy. I love Jacks! Tough little guys to keep up with when they get fired up eh! ...i'm sure you are well aware, haha. ; D
hey sean thanks for the post! Ya.. rocco is great.. surprisingly mellow for a jack from what i hear. ;) I miss him!!!
Hi heather! Great to see an AM student passing by my blog. I'll be teaching this coming semester!! So I'll be seeing you on campus!
Congrats on wrapping Bolt! I saw a good chunk of it at Comic-Con and it looks totally awesome, can't wait to see it in theaters :D Another great film under your belt!
We had another round of layoffs at EA last week... not fun times. Lots of good people leaving. I'm glad you got out and are doing really well for yourself! It gives me hope :)
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