Monday, April 03, 2006

Sculptures: 360 view

As promised.... here are more of a 360 view of the sculptures in my last post.



erica said...

Great work Rebecca! I've never tried figure sculpting before, I bet it must really help you envision the model in 3d. I know that's something we always struggled with in drawing class, trying to train our eye to see the angles and proportions, and then translate it to paper. When you are in the room with the model, do you stay in one position, or move around the room to see her from different angles?

Bronze sculptures sound fancy and expensive. But I bet they will look awesome when they're done! How will they be made? Will you make a cast and then melt away the wax sculpture? Again, never did any bronze work in my life either. ;)

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

Absolutely, you hafta walk around the model to check out proportions and angles. I actually just finished another model... this one is male and I only was able to sit in a 2 hour class... I did the rest from memory... although.. I don't think it looks like the model at all... I know the pose is the same and I imagined the rest of the body. I guess it was more of a test for me to see if could really model from memory... and I'm happy with the result!

Yep... all the bronze work get's take to a foundry by our teacher then they are cast where the clay actually melts away but leaves a cast where they then pour the bronze into. I'm not totally clear on how it works or what the results really look like. Our teacher is taking a few in in the next couple of weeks... so I'll keep you posted on how they actually turn out after the whole process ;) I can't wait!

Brian "My Fault" Nicolucci said...

Those are looking real nice Reb. So had you sculpted much before? Definitely inspiring me to take out some clay and mess around with "real" 3d! :)

Dan Segarra said...

Ha ha! AWESOME!!!

Jeremy said...

Nice, keep posting these. They'll definately help with weight and balance. Nice, nice!

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

Hey Thanks Brian, Dan, and Jeremy!!

Brian, I did one figure sculpture back in college. I remember loving it.. but once I graduated and started working a real job I never really had time to sculpt or even the means to do it. If it weren't for this class I'd still be wishing I did it!! I highly recommend trying it if you get some free time.. I've completely fallen in love with it!! Now I can't stop doing it... it's crazy!

Unknown said...

I guess I just sit back and enjoy the splendor...yet again! Reb you have an inspiration since I first saw your work move about the screen. You rock and I wih you all the best!

David Ryan Paul said...

Super cool sculpts babe. I can't stop lookin' at 'em.

Miss you bunches.

Urban Barbarian said...

Really great work! More, more!!